Every December, Pacific BMW hosts the Annual Fundraiser for ForsterAll (formerly Child S.H.A.R.E.). FosterAll is a local non-profit organization founded to help find foster and adoptive homes for abused, abandoned and neglected children. With donations, many children will be able to have a warm and festive Holiday Season with a wonderful Holiday Party complete with presents to open!
Employees can contribute with a minimum donation of $5 in exchange for wearing jeans on this day only.
Last year we raised $705, but this year, we truly demonstrated what a generous company culture we have at Pacific BMW. Employees from Body Shop, Parts, Service, Sales and Administration all came together and raised $1,736 today! Everyone is being generous this holiday season and we couldn't be prouder of all of our employeess who donated.

Also, some participated in our 2nd Annual Ugly Sweater Contest for a chance to win $100 cash and gift cards! The contestants were judged on their ugly sweaters and the winners were: